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I love a good story.

I caught the news bug early. 

I've been a reporter for more than half my life, since starting at my high school newspaper, Silver Chips, in Silver Spring, Md. That's where I grew up, inside the beltway - but only by about a block. While in college, I interned at the Knight-Ridder and McClatchy bureaus in Washington, D.C., as well as The Fresno Bee and The  Miami Herald.

Since graduating from Harvard University in 2009, I've worked as a reporter at The Charlotte Observer. Here, I've covered a variety of beats, including crime and breaking news, retail, corporate mergers and my current beat, real estate and economic development. It's a challenge keeping up with growth in one of the fastest growing cities in the U.S., but it means I have the opportunity to write about a wide range of subjects, from economic inequality and rising rent to the mechanics of tower cranes and the real-life impact of arcane zoning laws. 

Along the way, I've also covered riots that shook the city in the wake of a 2016 police shooting, the 2012 Democratic National Convention, bizarre and sometimes tragic crimes and the unlikely saga of a five-legged puppy rescued from a freak show on Coney Island.

I've won awards including 2016 First Place from the Society of American Business Editors & Writers for breaking news and the McClatchy President's Award for most outstanding coverage in our company. 


That's me.

When I'm not working, you can probably find me hiking in the North Carolina and Virginia mountains (I'll knock out the Appalachian Trail in roughly 50 years at my current pace), cooking, reading a book or spending time with my wife.